字体的大小:[大] [中] [小] 2010年3月22日 文章来源: |
留学生住宿管理规定 1、在校学习期间应注意自身和财物安全。离开宿舍要落锁,关闭电灯、电器和水阀。 2、房间内一切设备、设施系学校财产,仅供留学生本人使用。请爱护室内的各种家具、设备,节约用电、用水。不准用电炉、电器,在宿舍内取暖、做饭。不得随意与其他房间调换家具;不得毁坏室内设施和床上用品。如有损坏或丢失,照价赔偿。(学校财产及设备价格表另附) 3、保持宿舍清洁,不得在壁上乱涂乱画,不得随意钉钉子;不得饲养家禽、家畜;不准在床上吸烟;禁止酗酒、斗殴和其他不良行为,违者视情节给予警告、开除学籍等处分。 4、不得在宿舍内从事影响他人学习和休息的活动,如跳舞、大声喧哗、放高声音乐等。严禁在宿舍内燃放鞭炮、烟花、点蜡烛等。 5、因事外出,须于当天23:00提前返回学校。23:00后,严禁来访人员停留在外国留学生房间内。 6、不准私自在住处留宿来访人员,如需留宿必须得到留学生工作办公室批准,并办理登记手续。 7、在校学习期间,严禁非法同居。 8、留学生应按学校统一安排在校内住宿,禁止在校外住宿。 Dormitory Regulations 1. During the period of their study, the students should safeguard themselves and private possessions. All electric appliances should be used safely. They should be switched off each time when not in use to prevent accidents. 2. All of the equipment in the room belongs to Jingganshan University, provided only to foreign students. Please take care of the furniture and equipment. Foreign students should save using the water and electricity. Any gas stove, electric appliance which is liable to cause fires are not permitted within dormitory. Without permission, the students can not exchange the furniture with the other rooms, destroying the indoor and bed equipment is forbidden, changing their use and construction is forbidden. Anyone who causes damage to public property because of incorrect usage is liable for compensation. (The form of the public property valuation will be attached) 3. It is the student's responsibility to keep his/her room and its surroundings clean. It is forbidden to nail in the wall. Raising poultry or keeping pet is not allowed. Smoking in the bed is forbidden. Fighting, alcoholic and other forms abuse are not permitted, any body who breaks these rules will be punished, which ranges from a demerit recorded in file to expulsion from the university, according to the seriousness of wrongdoings. 4. Quietness should be maintained in the dormitory. Students are not allowed to hold parties with dancing and loud music or to create undue noise in and around the dormitory or to hold any activities that disturb the study and rest. 5. The students must be back in their dormitories before 23: 00, after the 23: 00, visitors are forbidden to enter the foreign students' rooms. 6. Visitors are not permitted to stay overnight. If visitors want to stay overnight, they must get the permission under the Office of Foreign Students’ Affairs and register at the dormitory reception desk. 7. Cohabitation is forbidden during the period of study. 8. Foreign students are arranged to live in the campus. They are not allowed to live off campus.