字体的大小:[大] [中] [小] 2010年3月22日 文章来源: |
留学生办理相关证件的规定 1、学生证管理办法 (1)、学生证是留学生在校期间的身份证,学生证在新生入学注册后由井冈山大学留学生工作办公室统一办理并发给留学生。 (2)、学生每学期报道注册时,由本人持留学生证到留学生工作办公室办理注册手续,如未办理注册手续,学生证无效。 (3)、学生证遗失,由留学生本人向留学生工作办公室提出补办申请,经留学生工作办公室同意后方可补办,补办学生证的需交照片一张,手续费、工本费30元人民币。 (4)、留学生证不准随意涂改或转借他人,如违反由此产生的一切后果由留学生本人负责。 (5)、留学生在毕业、转学或退学时必须将学生证交回。 (6)、留学生在寒暑假期间回家,可凭留学生证享受国内交通路线(火车或飞机)的优惠。 2、留学生图书证管理办法 (1)、本院留学生人校后凭注册名单到学校图书馆领取图书证。 (2)、图书证只限本人使用,不得转借他人。 (3)、留学生毕业、转学或退学时应先将所借图书还清并经图书馆盖章证明后,方可办理离校手续。 (4)、留学生借阅书刊暂以五本为限。文学类书籍借期为一个月,专业类书籍借期为三个月。过期不还者,按过期天数停止借书权,并每天罚款1角人民币,余者类推。 (5)、书刊借出时,借者应将所借之书刊详细检查,若发现有破损、圈点、批注、撕页情况,应立即向管理人员申明并在书卡上注明,否则还书时发现以上等情况概由借书人负责。轻者给予批评,严重者折价或加倍赔偿,赔偿后之书刊仍由图书馆收回。 (6)、所借之图书,必须加以爱护,不得丢失。如有图书丢失,应购同样版本图书赔偿,如无法购到,按下列规定赔偿: A、丢失中外孤本图书和珍贵版本图书,按原价20倍以上赔偿。 B、丢失一般科技中外文图书,按原价加二倍赔偿。 C、丢失中文社科图书,按原价加一倍赔偿。 D、丢失全套书刊中一册,按全套书刊赔偿,其余各册由本馆收存不给赔偿者。 (7)、赔偿后又找到原书刊的,持原赔偿单据可返回赔偿,但不得超过十五天。 (8)、损毁、丢失书刊限期一月内赔偿,未办理赔偿手续期间不得再借,逾期两个月不赔者,按相关规定给予一定数额的罚款。 (9)、为了保证书库安全:凡借阅图书人员均应在图书台办理借阅手续,否则一律不得进入书库。 3、居留证及护照签证管理办法 (1)、持“x”字签证人境的留学生必须在自入境之日起10日内,向吉安市公安局出入境管理部门申请办理《外国人居留证》;持“F”字签证入境的留学生必须在有效期内,向吉安市公安局出入境管理部门提出申请改为“x”字签证,并提交相应的手续:护照原件及复印件、近期二寸半身正面免冠照片2张及相应的费用,然后申请办理《外国人居留证》。 (2)、来华留学生申请居留证必须履行下列手续: A、交验护照、签证和居留事由有关的证明; B、填写居留申请表; C、申请居留证还要交验健康证明书,交近期二寸半身正面免冠照片2张。 (3)、在居留证上填写的项目内容如有变更,必须在10日内到吉安市公安局出入境管理部门办理变更手续。 (4)、留学生转学至另一城市时,应当先在吉安市公安机关出入境管理部门办理迁出手续。到迁入地后,必须于10日内到吉安市公安机关出入境管理部门办理迁入手续。 (5)、留学生在学期间临时出境,必须在出境前办理再次入境手续。签证或居留证有效期满后仍需在华学习或停留的,必须在签证或居留证有效期满之前10天办理延期手续。 (6)、外国留学生毕业、结业、肄业、退学后、必须在规定的时间内出境。对受到365娱乐场备用网址勒令退学或开除学籍处分的留学生,及时通知吉安市公安局出人境管理部门。吉安市公安局出人境管理部门依法收缴其所持外国人居留证或缩短其在华停留期。 (7)、留学生必须随身携带居留证件或者护照,已备外事民警查验。 Notice on Foreign Students’ Certificate Issue 1. Regulations on the management of student's identity card. (1) The student's identity card will show that they are students of Jinggangshan University. The student's identity card will be issued by The Office of Foreign Students’ Affairs and distributed to every foreign student, after the freshmen finish the registration formalities. (2) When foreign students register each term, foreign students should take student identity card with them to the Office of Foreign Students’Affairs for registration. If the foreign students can't finish the formalities, the student identity card will be invalid. (3)If student identity card has been lost, the student should apply for a new one with a photo. After approval by the Office of Foreign Students’Affairs, a new student's identity will be issued at the price of 30 yuan RMB for material and procedure fees. (4) Student identity card can' t be altered or lent to the others. Any infringement of this rule is at the student's expense. (5)Foreign students should hand in the student identity card, when they graduate, transfer or leave the University. (6) During the summer and winter holiday, foreign students may buy the domestic train or airplane tickets at a favorable price by showing their student identity cards. 2. Regulations on the management of foreign students’ library card (1) After finishing the registration formalities, foreign students will be issued a library card. (2) Foreign students should use their own library cards, They can't be lent to others. (3) Before graduation, transferring or leaving the university, foreign students should return all books to the University and get stamped, then they can finish the formalities. (4) Students cannot borrow more than 5 books at a time. Kept time: literature books may be held for one month and medical profession books may be held for three months. If it is overdue, the library will stop the student to borrow books. (5) Don't mark the borrowed books from the library. (6) Take care of the books. If lost, students should buy the same edition for compensation. If students can't buy the same edition, they should compensate for the book, according to the follows. A. If the lost book is the only copy in existence or a rare edition, students must compensate for more than 20 times the original price. B. If the lost book is an original or a Chinese science and technology book, students must compensate for 3 times the original price. C. If the lost book is a Chinese society and science book, students must compensate for 2 times the original price. D. If the lost book is part of a set, students must compensate for the full set and the rest book should be returned to the library. (7) If students find the lost book after the compensation is paid, within 15 days according to the reparations receipts library should return the compensation. (8) If students mark or lose the book, they must pay the compensation within 1 month. Library will stop lending books according to the overdue days. Two months later, if students have still not paid the compensation, they will be punished according to the relevant regulations. (9) In order to guarantee the safety of the stacks, all the people who come to borrow books should transact the formalities, or they cannot enter the stacks. 3. Regulations on the management of resident card, passport and visa. (1) If you hold an "X" visa to enter China you must apply to Entry_Exit Administration Division ofJi’an Public Security Bureau to transact the "Foreigner Residence Card" within 10 days from the day you enter China. If you hold an "F" visa to enter China, you must apply to the Entry- Exit Administration Section of Ji’an Public Security Bureau to change the "F" visa to the "X' visa within the period of validity and hand in the relevant formalities: passport original production and hard copy, 2 two_inch photos and the fees, if you have the "X" visa, please apply for the "Foreigner Resident Card". (2) Foreign Students applying for the residence permit must complete the following formalities A. Hand in your passport, visa and the attestations related to the residence main content. B. Fill in a residence application form. C. Hand in the health certificate and 2 two-inch photos. (3) If the content of the residence card has been altered, students must come to the Entry- Exit Ad-ministration Section of Jia’an Public Security Bureau to transact the alteration formalities within 10 days. (4)The foreign students who want to continue the study in another university out of Ji’an should 8o to the Entry- Exit Administration Division of the Public Security Bureau of Ji’an to go through the formalities of moving out. On arrival at the other city, the students must go to the corresponding department within 10 days to go through the formalities of moving in. (5)If the students want to exit China temporarily during the period of study, they must go through the formalities of entry again before the exit. If the students want to continue study in China or just stay in China after the expiration of visa or residence permit, they must go through the formalities of postponing 10 days before the expiration date. (6) After graduation, completing courses or expelled out of the university, the foreign students must exit China during the regulated time. The Entry-Exit Administration Section of the Public Security Bureau of Ji’an will be immediately informed with the information of students who are expelled from the university, and will take over the residence permit or shorten the period of stay in China. (7) Foreign students must carry the residence permits or passports by themselves, for the check by the police is at any time.